Set list
- Overture
- 1921
- Amazing Journey
- Sparks
- The Acid Queen
- Pinball Wizard
- We're Not Gonna Take It
- Who Are You
- Eminence Front
- The Kids Are Alright
- You Better You Bet
- The Seeker
- Substitute
- Tattoo
- Won't Get Fooled Again
- Behind Blue Eyes
- The Real Me
- I'm One
- 5.15
- The Rock
- Love Reign O'er Me
- Baba O'Riley
Line Up
Roger Daltrey: Guitar, Vocals
Pete Townshend: Vocals, Guitar
Billy Nicholls: Backing Vocal
Zak Starkey: Drums
Simon Townshend: Guitar, Backing Vocal
Jon Button: Bass
Loren Gold: Keyboards, Backing Vocal
Katie Jacoby: Violin
Emily Marshall: Keyboards
Keith Levenson: Conductor
Audrey Snyder: Cello
Soundcheck included Who Are You, The Acid Queen, Overture, The Rock.
Rock-Opas spielen Rockopern
rbb24, 21.06.2023
Sieben Jahre lang mussten die deutschen Fans der legendären Rockband The Who auf die Rückkehr ihrer Helden warten, am Dienstagabend war es dann soweit. Jens Lehmann war beim ...
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The Who: Mit dem Filmorchester Babelsberg durchs Lebenswerk
Berliner Zeitung, 21.06.2023
Mit Songs wie „Pinball Wizzard“ und „My Generation“ haben The Who Popgeschichte geschrieben. In der Berliner Waldbühne spielten sie sich durch ihr Gesamtwe...
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The Who in der Waldbühne - So klingt Rock.
Berliner Morgenpost, 21.06.2023
Berlin. Als erstes dankt Pete Townshend dem Wettergott. Hände und Blick zum blauen Himmel gerichtet, sagt er: "There is no rain." Und alle hoffen mit ihm, das es trotz...
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Band liefert in der Waldbühne phänomenalen Ritt durch ihre Karriere
MOZ, 21.06.2023
Es könnte ihr allerletztes Deutschland-Konzert gewesen sein: Die Band „The Who“ spielte sich mit Wumms und in Begleitung des Filmorchesters Babelsberg durch Höhep...
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The Who in der Waldbühne – gediegene Atmo mit Orchester
BZ - Die Stimme Berlins, 21.06.2023
Hinter The Who auf der Bühne saß am Dienstagabend das Filmorchester Babelsberg, sorgte für klassische Begleitklänge. Und ganz nah an den Musikern, im Innenraum der...
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Inspektion eines gelebten Lebens: „The Who“ feiern in der Berliner Waldbühne eine ganze Generation
Der Tagesspiegel, 21.06.2023
Die Spannung bleibt bis zum Schluss. Werden „The Who“ den Klassiker „My Generation“ noch einmal spielen, der einst die Geburt der Forever-Young-Generation marki...
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Klemens - The Who Concert Guide
Here they are again: After 17 years The Who return to Berlin. Already in 2006 they were supposed to play at the Waldbühne, but back then the concert was moved to Treptower Park, where it was much too hot. A "shit hall", as Townshend said. The concert in 2006 was special, this time it is no less remarkable. Townshend, Daltrey and their band are full of enthusiasm, in a good mood and offer a 125 minute show of 22 songs. It doesn't matter what The Who play, the main thing is that they play. They are amazing, also on this evening. The Who are accompanied every evening by a different orchestra. In Berlin it is the Babelsberg Film Orchestra. This works splendidly, the sound is almost perfect, everything is right. That The Who change the setlist can already be guessed at the sound check, because the band rehearses Acid Queen together with the orchestra. And indeed: The song is added as seventh from Tommy. A good choice. Overture opens the concert after Townshend notes that the rain of the morning has gone. The stage is simple, no frills, only the musicians and their instruments are the focus. However, the orchestra forces Tommy into a concept that sounds really good and also presents the music differently, but it limits Townshend in particular. This is especially evident on Amazing Journey and Sparks. Here Townshend can't really unleash his brilliance, he plays restrained. Sparks sounds good, but it lacks the wild, the unpredictable, which always makes Sparks live an experience. Nevertheless, the orchestra is an enrichment, because the songs are presented in a completely different way. New in the set - as mentioned - The Acid Queen, as always sung by Pete. For this later Ball and Chain is omitted, the only song from the so far last album WHO - a real loss, because Ball and Chain is brilliant. The set is routinely selected. Of course, everyone wants to hear his favorite song, but The Who can't play everything in two hours anyway. The band is always at its best when it is without the constraints of the orchestra. The seven songs in the middle section are all fantastic. Full of playing joy, even if they don't sound as rough and wild as before. But they are amazing like in the old days. The big surprise of the evening is Tattoo, which is very rarely in the band's set anymore. Townshend jokes about tattooing. At the end of this part there is Won't Get Fooled Again, for sure a highlight of the evening including Daltrey's scream. Lyrics, music, presentation - Won't Get Fooled Again will always be one of the greatest rock songs in history. Behind Blue Eyes is meant to be a bridge between the band and orchestra sections. Katie Jacoby and Audrey Snyder come on stage, almost everyone is seated. It's quiet, sedate, serious. Unfortunately, this version lacks almost everything that makes the piece so unique. But even these 4 minutes, which are by far the weakest of the evening, pass. Finally, there are five songs from Quadrophenia including 5.15, where the band really rocks out. Love Reign O'er Me shows once again Daltrey's vocal quality. He sounds incredible, hits the notes with certainty. It seems he is getting better with age. Baba O'Riley at the end brings the Waldbühne to a glorious finale. The Who 2023 are different with orchestra than before, but at least as good. As long as you can still see them, you should go. It therefore remains the vague hope that they remain a bit fit and the detour to Berlin may not have been the only one.