By Svante Börjesson
HOWEVER, if you would like to know a bit more about these pages, please read the information below the menu first.
- The first Scandinavian tour 1965 of Helsingør, Copenhagen, Århus and Aalborg
- The concerts in Copenhagen and Odense in June 1966
- A TV recording and concerts in Copenhagen and Odense in October 1966
- Performing "Tommy" at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen January 1970
- Concerts in Copenhagen and Aarhus in September 1970
- Two concerts in Copenhagen in August 1972
Some information before you start
These pages were created by Who fans, mainly for Who fans, although if you're a rock/pop fan in general and perhaps interested in what touring life in the sixties and early seventies was like, I think you will enjoy these pages too.
The pages consist of, besides lots of text like translations of old newspaper articles, also of pictures of the Who-members on and off stage, scanned tickets and newspaper ads etc. The pictures are mostly of JPEG format, so be sure you have a JPEG viewer at home. The pages were made for Netscape, so the pages may look a bit odd when seen in a different browser (btw Netscape loads JPEGs automatically.) Also, these pages are quite heavy on images - roughly around a 100Kb per page, so you should have a fast connection. You could also watch the pages with the image loader turned off, but I think the pages lose a lot of their charm if you do that.