Two-thousand pop fans and a strong force of police with dogs awaited the English pop band The Who (i.e. vem) when they arrived just over an hour late to Kungsparken at Kungsör half an hour after midnight!
Despite the delay, the fans faithfully remained until The Who were able to finally present their half an hour programme on the out-door stage. The sound effects presented by earlier pop bands from the stage at Kungsör seemed like tender whispers, when compared to that presented by the English guests last Friday night. The stage was cluttered with amplifiers and one felt sorry for the police dogs that had to endure the show…
The combined forces of the police and their dogs managed to keep the fans away from their idols. But, brave attempts to storm the stage were made. Several benches were reduced to kindling – visits by a half a dozen more world famous pop bands will surely mean the demise of all remaining benches in front of the stage!
The one who made the biggest impression was the drummer Keith Moon, who worked harder than a galley slave behind his kit. And, there was no fighting between the members of the band! Apparently, this is a quite common practice among them. But, apart from a turned over drum and cymbal, they treated their respective instruments rather carefully. Otherwise, they use to smash a guitar or two during their wild shows!
The value of Who’s gear is estimated at 120.000 Swedish Crowns!
Translation by Jan Forsgren